Monday, April 12, 2010

Out with the Old - In with the New

This weekend has been the first of many things that are changing in our lives.  First, we traded in Hubs’ Highlander for a new Rav 4—lower payments coupled with less history sounds like a winner to me.  And it looks like we have an offer on Hubs’ house by extremely anxious buyers wanting to move by the middle of May! 

It feels good to see some financial relief in our future.  I’m very much looking forward to finally enjoying the spoils of a two income household---something we’ve definitely been missing out on.  He had his house.  I had mine.  And our money was spent accordingly.  However, the longer we’re married the less tolerant I’m becoming of the past.  I know it’s important to remember everyone has a history but when we pay this bill for that reason and we have to pay this because of that….it drives me bananas.  I love the idea of stepping forward into our own lives--out with the old and in with the new.

For those of you that enjoy reading ridiculous conversation between Hubs and I…this one is a classic:  

Hubs:  Maybe we should just get the base model, you know, and save as much money as possible.

Me:  Seriously?  It barely has any buttons?

Hubs:  I know, but I’ll drive it and we can totally get by with a base model.  

Me:  Are you prepared to roll down the windows by cranking? 

Hubs:  It doesn’t have crank windows….does it?

Me: In a moment like this, there’s only one question that needs to be answered...

Hubs:  Yeah?

Me:  Are we KEY people?  Or KEY FOB people?

Hubs:  Key Fob. 

Me:  That’s what I thought. 


Cara said...

Yeah, new cars are always so much fun!!! I looked at a few base models and realized I am a total key fab girl too!! Don't be ashamed, be proud!
