Sunday, April 25, 2010

We'll Call It a Heart to Heart

A couple big things happened this weekend:

First, I graduated from cages  to clips.  Graduated as in, ordered the clips--I haven't actually put them on my bike or even got them home yet.  (For my non-biking readers, clips are the pedals that lock in your foot and up the ante on the likelihood of killing myself via bicycle.)  Now, I know what you are thinking, I've thought the same thing (I still haven't forgot the gravel/leg/hand debacle of 2009) but I think I'm ready.  I've gotten good with my cages and some people (on the internet) say cages are harder than clips to get out of----easier than what I have now?  I'm in.  I've been asking Hubs about my official "Cages" graduation ceremony but he's being rather vague on time/location---so keep checking those mailboxes for your invitations; I'm sure they're on the way.  As always, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone, and of course, gifts aren't required but if someone were just dying to send a congratulatory gift---you might want to consider something in the form of safety equipment, you know, elbow pads, knee pads, chin or shin guards, or maybe one of those face guards basketball players wear...I'm just saying, if you needed ideas :)

And secondly, after a heart to heart (aka whining to Hubs) about our race heavy summer, we have paired down the race schedule.  (Be sure to check that out here.)   We're doing 6 local triathlons (one of which, Laurie is going to do...ahhhhem Laurie) and the MS 150.  I love biking so I'm super stoked about that ride.  And then Hubs is going to do the Branson 70.3 Half Ironman.  Somewhere in there the Tour de Shawnee will take place again this year (an easy 11 mile ride with our families--it's always nice when we can log time with our families doing something active so hopefully we'll have a big group for that event!)  I kinda feel bad about the scale back but seriously, 15 million races was too many (at least for me) and now I can get back to training (working out and talking incessantly) with Hubs.

