Wednesday, May 19, 2010

There's No Crying In Bike Riding

Something happened last night on my bike ride with Hubs.  We were riding with the TriKC group; everyone was very nice and polite but I was obviously out of my league.  And, normally, when I’m out of my league I just make jokes and laugh to distract people from focusing on my lack of skills….but last night, none of that worked. 

          Last night, I felt like the annoying little sister to Hubs and his friends.  I could tell he wanted to keep up with everyone but I of course went slow and held everyone up….well, not everyone, but definitely Hubs.  There’s something about going up a super steep hill (barely able to push to pedal down, breathing heavy, and going about 1 mile an hour) while someone is staring at you that makes you feel crappy.  I feel like I’ve made improvements in the running and biking categories but surrounded by a bunch of superstars all I wanted to do was leave.  I wanted to get as far away from everyone (including Hubs) and cry.  I know, can you say, dramatic much? 

         At some point Hubs must have noticed my obvious misery and said:

Actual:   If you don’t want to do anymore races I won’t make you.

Girly Dramatic Translation:  You’re right, you do totally suck at this triathlon stuff aaaaaand if you don't want to do anymore races --I wouldn’t blame you.

        When we got back from the ride we were supposed to run as well but as soon as Hubs noticed I was upset he threw in the towel and said we didn’t have to---which just reinforced my feelings of annoying little sister and I started crying.  I have no idea what was wrong with me.  Hubs, per usual, was amazing--assuring me that I wasn’t annoying and he loved me a  million times more than biking OR running and that he never meant to hurt my feelings (which is one of the things I love about him.)  On the drive home he was doing everything in his power to make me feel better but I just felt wretched the rest of the evening and was so relieved when I finally crawled in bed.

         It’s no secret my love/hate relationship with triathlon-ing (yeah, I know that’s not an actual word) has been a little bittersweet.  While I love how awesome I feel AFTER a good workout I don’t normally enjoy the triathlon workouts themselves—especially if I’m doing it alone (or with a group of superstars).  Last summer Hubs and I were both new and happy to finish and our workouts were pretty in line but now that he’s progressing so much faster than I am I’m not quite sure where that leaves me….

        Get it?  Leaves me?  As in the back of the back of pack?  (yeah, I’m clever )


Hubs said...

That post brought a tear to my eye.

Or, maybe its the chlorine from the pool. I just did a swim workout over lunch.

Well, one of the two, brought a tear to my eye.
