Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dear Fusion Fitness

Dear Fusion Fitness,

           I owe you an apology.   On Friday while I was packing for my weekend getaway I thought I would try on a pair of shorts that could previously only be button under extreme strain to the stitching (you know, just to check my progess) and I was pleasantly suprised when they zipped right up without any struggle!  At that moment I was so proud and appreciative of your efforts to get my butt back in shape….

          But then.....the weekend happened.   The wine, the pan fried chicken, the bread pudding, the bacon cheese burger, the strawberry cheesecake, and the Senor Tequilas complete with a margarita that was so salty it made me wish I had a bone saw to cut off my wedding ring this morning. 

          When I woke up I was moving a little slow (a product of a long weekend I suppose) and contemplated skipping class this morning but I didn’t and you practically killed me.  Last week, I was only moderately embarrassed at my ability to keep up (the progress I was making was worth the embarrassment) but this morning was a whole other story;  I would have done anything for a magic trap door to open and inconspicuously lower me down into the floor so your other (more disciplined) clients wouldn’t have to listen to all the grunting and sighing as I tried my best to hold a simple plank…   

           Just so you know:  I’ve learned my lesson.  I will never take 4 days off AND eat crappily again…I promise.  Please forgive me?  How long are you going to punish me?  I know what I did was awful and you can’t just forgive and forget but I promise to show you that I didn’t mean it and I promise not to behave so badly again.  Please.  I would like to get things back to normal....maaaaaybe by the end of the week if at all possible?   

Anxious to fix our relationship,



Cara said...

I always say I won't do that and I always do!!! I feel your pain Jill, but dang all that food tastes oooohhhhh so good.
