Friday, August 27, 2010

Duathlon or Fusion---Maybe Both

Dear Bill,

         Hi!  I’m a frequent participant in your events.  (I use the term “frequent participant” loosely considering I’ve only shown for ½ the events I’ve registered for thus far this year.  And I’m on the fence about the upcoming race this Sunday.)  While my participation is questionable, one thing is not---your website. You use the same format for all the KLM events and while I’m down with convenience; your websites NEVER work.  They freeze, the buttons don’t work, and my entire internet experience has been shut down more than once. 

         Now, I know what my husband would say, “use Firefox—it’s better.”  But Bill, I don’t wanna use Firefox.  I like Internet Explorer (as do millions of other Americans) and we have a right to a functional website.

          Anyway, the point is this:  I need to know when/where to pick up my race packet and what time to arrive at the race.  (Well, more importantly I need to know what time MY race starts so I can determine whether I even want to participate.)  I have a more enticing Burn and Butt Camp at Fusion Fitness I want to attend and you see Bill, Fusion is something that I truly enjoy and while racing can be fun when done in conjunction with a friend or husband (on the same course) this season of solo racing is not high on my priority list.  So, before I allow Hubs to drag me out of bed, load my bike, force feed me breakfast bars and 5 Hour Energies I want to make sure I can fit the Duathlon in before Fusion.  If not, I’m skipping and headed to Butt Camp.

        Without knowing for sure I can only believe it starts at 830 and at 830; I’ll never make it...especially with Hubs in tow—he’s the slowest person on the planet.  Not at racing; just in life.  (And by slow I mean he has a low sense of urgency.)  And when I’m in a big hurry and he isn’t the scenario goes like this:  foot tap, foot tap, yelling, “YOU ARE THE SLOWEST PERSON ON THE PLANET,” followed by lots of loud sighs and showing up late somewhere---which really isn’t good for our marriage.  The point is:  Can I fit the Duathlon in comfortably and still make it to Butt Camp?    

         So, Bill, in the meantime, one more wife is making her husband do things she could probably do on her own but is making him do it out of principal.  (The principal being I refuse to switch to Firefox because your website never works.) 

         Oh, and FYI Hubs is still mad he didn’t get a t-shirt from Jackson County last year—first come first serve never serves us since we usually show up moments before the starting bell.

I’ll see you at packet pickup.


