Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Maybe I'll Get Up at 5. Maybe I'll Hit Snooze. We'll See.

Today is my first day back to school.  Wow.  I still can’t believe I’m 30 years old and haven’t finished my undergrad.  How lame!

           The first day of school marks another busy semester with more events than one girl can possibly squeeze in.  Class.  Work.  Work.  AAKC dinner meeting (that requires me to actually talk in public.)  Followed by yet another class.  12 hour days are a little long for this girl.  And how is one girl suppose to fit it all in?  Well, she didn’t.  She missed Fusion.  (And yes, I’m talking in 3rd person.)  I understand that on a day like today something’s gotta give but I think the most bothersome thing is Fusion was the first thing to get eliminated.  I suppose of all the items mentioned above the only truly expendable one is Fusion.   No one is paying to me to go.   No one is grading me on whether or not I show up.  And the only person that really cares about Fusion is me.  Sure, I pay to go but I buy the unlimited package so they get their money either way. 

          The point is this:  Fusion will only stay a priority if I make it one.  I’m finally starting to see REAL results.  I can’t remember the last time my tummy fat didn’t roll over the top of my underwear when I sat down and I don’t wanna go back there….unless of course that means we are cooking a baby. 

          When I first started going to Fusion I was going in the mornings—then I realized I like going at night better and tried to make it when I didn’t have class.  And then when summer classes ended I was making it almost every night.  And now I need it.  I need it to stay sane.  I need it to remind me to eat better.  I never in a million years thought down dog would turn into a relaxing position that I crave.

          So, what is a girl to do when all her waking hours are filled with stuff?   As much as I HATE to even  entertain this idea---I might have to try getting up in the 5’s and make it to early early Fusion (two earlies because prior to this thought the only days I saw 545 was on race day and even then I pouted the entire was to the event location.  Ask Hubs.)  The question is:  Can I do it?  And how many days will it take to get into the habit?  And how on earth and I’m going to get up at 5 when I don’t get home from class til 945?  (I need my sleep.  And by sleep I mean a solid 8-9 hours.  Yeah, we don’t have kids.)

          In all honesty, if I didn’t have an AAKC meeting tonight I could have made it to Fusion before class (which was my original plan until I was reminded by my trusty Google calendar that I had to network and generate business.)   So, maybe I will only have to get up at 5 on days when I have more crap than time. I know deep down inside the next day I have more crap than time; I will simply abandon Fusion and get all my obligations handled instead of getting up super early and squeezing it in.  However, I also know deep down inside that if I could get up, get Fusioned, and get showered before I was required to do anything; my days would be so much less stressful (scheduling wise.) 

         So, maybe tomorrow I will try to get up and get out of the house by 5 or maybe I'll set my alarm and snooze til 6 and then happily reset my alarm for 730.  We’ll see what happens.  One thing I know for sure:  I feel like I'm missing something important today.  And I don't like it.


Hubs said...

I totally know that feeling! I'll totally get up at 5 with you!
