Monday, October 18, 2010

Movies, Marathons, and Gambling

The last couple weekends have been super fun.  Two weekends ago we had date night with a couple of good friends of ours and it was so nice to hang out with them!  We went and ate Greek food, broke a couple plates (and by break plates I mean we threw them up in the air and then let them break all over the dance floor – so fun), and then enjoyed some interestingly flavored ice cream...lavender, rosemary, and goat cheese.  Yes, they were good but I'm a more traditional vanilla and chocolate kind of girl.  Although, the rosemary one tasted exactly like rosemary chicken so maybe I could justify eating ice cream for dinner if it tastes like actual food.

            Then this past weekend, Hubs and I stayed pretty darn busy.  Friday night Hubs cooked dinner then we went to see the Social Network.  What a good movie.  Then on Saturday, Hubs ran the KC Marathon. I was supposed to run the half but bailed.  All my people backed out and let's be honest, running a half marathon alone is not really my idea of fun.  But I did have a good time cheering for him.  Little Lincoln and his parents came out and cheered for Hubs too so I think that made him feel pretty special.  Hefinished in a little over 5 hours so I was super proud of him AND the best part?  He wasn't all limping and whiny all day....which has somehow managed to turn into a little bit of a pet peeve (cause seriously, why run that far if it basically makes you so sore you can't move or do anything? Why not run a distance that allows for running and living life?) 

            Then on Saturday night we went to see Jeff Foxworthy with Mom and Dad.  We had fun.  We ate, laughed, and gambled.  Usually, gambling is not exactly on the top of my list (I would rather buy shoes with that money) but we had a good time and we'd probably go back again!

            And Yesterday we FINALLY had the big AAKC picnic our committee has been planning for what feels like my entire life.  We were supposed to have this picnic months ago but it rained and the river flooded so we were unable to have it on our original date.  The weather was perfect and the turnout was pretty darn good!  So, now, it's time to finish our rapidly approaching Casino Night.  We are hosting that event here in the MC Flooring warehouse.  Hosting will be a nice way for all of our customers to see the warehouse and maybe a way to sway a few prospects our way as well.  So, this event needs to be a success for a multitude of reasons.

            Next weekend is going to be alittle quieter.  We are judging a local cheer competition and taking it easier...cause we need a little break!


Hubs said...

A nice little video to go along with this post.
