Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What's for Dinner?

A few weekends ago, I went to the Junior League Holiday Mart with a good buddy!  We walked, talked, laughed, and spent money---and it's turning out to be money well spent.

I bought a My Family Meal Planner thinking I would actually take the time to cook Hubs and I dinner during the week.  We are constantly waiting until 8pm an then ordering pizza because we have no other plan. So, this planner provides 4 recipes a week complete with a shopping list.  We started on Sunday and we're on day 3.  Each day makes 4-8 servings so we have leftovers; which means we really don't need more than 4 recipes a week.  And so far, they have all been delicious!

My favorite part   The meals are already planned (with healthy, close to the earth ingredients) so all I have to do is go to the store with the preprinted grocery list and make dinner..absolutely no thinking involved!  Monday, was Beef Stroganoff with tons of mushrooms (Hubs and I don't even like mushrooms) so I chopped them up super fine and we both loved it.  So, we (aka I) have resigned ourselves to trying everything in the planned order and then making decisions about what to remake the next time around.

This meal plan is changing our lives.  I love having something homemade to eat that only takes a few minutes to prepare.  It also makes me feel like I'm doing something nice for my Husband.  Hubs used to take the lead on all things cooked.  I'm hoping he likes the real food as much as I do; although I'm pretty sure he would say he loved it even if he didn't...I got lucky in the Husband department :)

