Tuesday, November 9, 2010

North Dakota, You Can Watch Your Dog Run Away For Days

Over the weekend Hubs and I went to Fargo, North Dakota.  Yep, North Dakota.  We went with Hubs’ Mom to visit aunts and uncles and friends.   It. Was. A. Long. Way.  And it was a super quick trip.  We left Friday night after work and arrived at 3am-ish.  I was super tired so we didn’t even really say hello to Sal when we walked in.  We went straight to bed.  And then slept til 1030.  When we got up we visited with Alda’s (Hubs’ mom) sisters and then we ate breakfast (eggs and hash browns) and immediately followed it with homemade chocolate cake and ice cream!  Hello North Dakota. 

        After ice cream Hubs and I headed to Grand Forks.  It’s a smaller town about an hour away.  Grand Forks is where Hubs grew up.  When he talks about this town he acts likes it’s the tiniest township in the world; turns out it’s just a smaller city.  (They have a Cabela’s and everything.)   Anyway, I got to meet Hubs’ high school friends and see the house where he grew up.  It was an overdue history lesson.  I also got to attend my very first hockey game at UND.  The Souix are pretty fun to watch and I even got me a fancy schmancy UND Soiux hoodie (even if I did whine about going in the first place.) 

        After the game we ate with some of Hubs friends and hit the hay (that’s how they talk in small towns, I think) and in the morning we headed ack to Fargo where we had more chocolate cake and ice cream and then started the long 10 hour drive home.  Hubs slept most of the way back and I talked with Alda almost the whole way.  I don’t know if she just had that much to talk about or she was just making sure I was still awake but I really enjoyed it. 

        I don’t really feel like we had a weekend with all the driving and visiting so I’m really looking forward to THIS coming weekend.  I’m going to clean up our house and finally get some laundry done.   Laundry = Lame.

