Hi! I haven't heard from you all afternoon. I know it's not really your fault and the sellers are just taking forever, but I'm starting to get concerned. I've been waiting by the phone like a love sick teenager...seriously, if I check the phone one more time the unlock button is gonna stop working. (I don't know the life span of an unlock button, but I'm dangerously close to finding out.) Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that my phone is broken (unfortunate because it would mean that you had tried to call, couldn't get in touch and I could just call you to get the good news that we are going to be new home owners.)
Honestly, I'm just so surprised you haven't called
So anyway, I wanted to pass along all my contact info in case you accidentally lost my regular number. That's totally possible right?
Now, you usually use my cell and normally that is the best number but I also have a home phone and an office line. If you would like to send notification over fax, No Problemo! It only takes 2 seconds to plug in the fax machine. I also have fax at work, so does Hubs. We prefer phone calls or emails but fax would work too.
Speaking of email. I have several, jilliancheer at msn, jillian ranee at gmail, and jillian at jillianranee.com Oh, and I have a work email too. Hubs' emails are easy; dashaun at dashaun.com, gmail.com, and openjack.com. I'm pretty sure he has more if you need them....feel free to drop us a quick note.
In case the regular forms of communication are not available, we can both be found on Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, and Flickr...you know, just in case you want to send us a quick message letting us know the status of our pending offer.
Oh, and Athlinks.com but surely we can connect before we have to resort to a race result tracking website. Oh, and let's not forget our websites: jillianranee.com, dashaun.net, and .com
Well, that about covers it. If you wanted to deliver the happy news in person you know where we live. Feel free to come by...
Your anxious clients
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