Thursday, January 6, 2011

No News Is Good News? Not Always

The person who said, "no news is good news," never tried to buy a house.  Or get a job.

This is kind of getting ridiculous.  I'm so sick of waiting.  We still haven't heard back on our offer and apparently our initial offer gives them until 5pm tomorrow.  I mean, what's the point of putting your house on the market if you aren't willing to play ball...

(Never mind that I totally backed out of an offer on our town-house earlier this year...this post isn't about me; it's about these ridiculous sellers and their lack of urgency.)

So, since there is no news to report I thought I would update everyone on the insanity that is waiting for your realtor to call.  Hubs is even getting impatient; he's IM'd me several times this afternoon asking if we have heard anything and I always have to respond: no.


