Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dry Shampoo, I think I Love You

Super straight, fine hair is usually a blessing.  I can wash it, let it air dry (in like 8 minutes) and it looks exactly the same as if I had blown it dry and styled it---it's always stick straight. 

The only downfall?  It requires a daily washing or it looks like a grease ball.  Seriously, it gets disgusting. 

Yesterday I didn't wash my hair.  I was planning on washing it this morning.  And as luck would have it, I got up late so I had no choice but to leave the house with hair only a mother could see past.  Although, I'm certain if my mom had seen my mane, she would have asked me what was IN my hair and when I told her it was mostly just grease she might have asked me when I stopped having any pride in appearance.  (Not that her and I have EVER had that conversation in the past...right, mom?)  Let's just say my hair looked gross...even in a ponytail.

In a desperate attempt to regain even a tiny sliver of dignity, I picked up Dry Shampoo for the first time ever.  Cause seriously, who doesn't have time to wash their hair?  And all I have to say is:  LIFE SAVER!  I just sprayed it in, waited 2 minutes, brushed it out, and Viola! I have clean-ish hair!  Let's just hope no one tries to touch it (day 3 might have been pushing the limits on even the best dry shampoo.)  I think I might start using it on Day 2 and then maybe my hair will stay healthier longer!  

Dry Shampoo, I think I love you....

