Friday, December 3, 2010

It Feels Good To Be Back

Tonight in the Carter household a HUGE victory has been won. After many months of passive aggressive complaining and eye rolls; Team Jillian has officially logged an, oh so satifying WIN and we are moving back to Blogger!

Remember this letter? Our trial separation is is a beautiful day!

For those of you that know Hubs (and are not computer geeks) it can be difficult for Hubs to understand how the general public (aka me) does not understand the complexities of website development/hosting/coding/HTML (I seriously just typed ALL the computer geek words I know)

ANYWAY, back when I was trying to explain to Hubs how moving my site to WP would be detrimental to my independent website maintenance, he laughed and said, "It's easy! You will figure it out." And then I moved. Since then Hubs has fielded numerous phone calls and instance messages stating (sometimes yelling):
  • My Twitter isn't coming up...AGAIN!
  • My Flickr isn't working...AGAIN!
  • Why are my fonts all messed up?!?!?!
  • is down!!!!!
  • I want a search bar!
  • I need a follow me on FB/Twitter button
The list goes on and on..... Anyway, tonight Hubs mentioned that he would like to have a 'followers' button on (you know, like all of his friends on Blogger ;) and so I started searching for a 'followers' plugin on WP. (FYI, there isn't one.) And then our conversation went like this:

: Sometimes I really miss Blogger.
Hubs: Really? WP is so much better..
Me: Yeah, I hear you but I know how to work Blogger. It's like blogging for dummies.
Hubs: Fine. If you want to move back to Blogger you can.
Me: But I need you to get all my posts to Blogger!
Hubs: I will look into it later.
Me: Pa leeeeze, Blogger is so easy...I bet I can figure it out on my own!!! Holler!

(I google for several minutes and of course all the possible solutions for importing my WP to my Blogger were written in computer lame.

Me: Hi! I think I might need some help.
Hubs: Hmmm I thought Blogger was soooo easy to use?
Me: (scoul)

10 minutes later all my posts were imported and everything is headed in the right direction. Hubs however, had to spend a few minutes on my Blogger Dashboard to facilitate this much appreciated transfer and that's when I hear:

Hubs: Blogger is kinda cool. Analytics is right there!
Me: Wait, What! Blogger is kinda cool?
Hubs: Wait, you can montize right here too?

I'm not exactly sure what 'monetize' means but I know Hubs was excited....this was his next statment:

Hubs: Now that yours is migrated, I think I might move
Me: Wait, you after all that arguing and 'blogger is stupid' talk you are going to move
Hubs: I don't think I actually said, "blogger was stupid. I think I just implied it."
Me: But now you are moving?
Hubs: Maaaaybe.

Who knows if Hubs will ACTUALLY move his blog...but I can't wait to find out! Win. Win. Win.

