Friday, December 3, 2010

There Could Be Aliens On Their Way Right Now

Actual conversation had by Hubs and I in the shower:

Hubs: Did you hear? Its official. There are aliens!

Me: Wait, what?

Hubs: Yeah, they found then in California at Mono Lake!

Me: Actual aliens? Like what kind of aliens?

Hubs: They found bacteria that live on arsenic.

Me: Soooo they didn’t actually find ALIENS, they found a new type of bacteria???

Hubs: Well, yeah. Buuuut it’s not organic life. It lives on arsenic and that means that other life could live on arsenic too and that totally opens up a whole new possibility for aliens.

Me: They find new elements all the time…

Hubs: Yes, but this bacteria isn’t organic (or something like that)

Me: Hmmmmm ok. If you say so. You really are a geek you know that? How do you even know this stuff?

Hubs: I read the internet.

Me: I thought you were super busy at work?

Hubs: There could be aliens on their way here RIGHT NOW...

Me: Yeah, I guess maybe

Hubs: They could be billions of light years away

Me: Yeah, but if it takes that long to get here they will probably die before they make it.

Hubs: Yeah, unless they…..(conversation trails off)

Me: Unless they what?

Hubs: I’m just saying…there could be aliens.

And that my friends, is the kind of world problems Hubs and I solve at shower time.


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[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by jillianranee, dashaun. dashaun said: It's official there. Aliens exist. [...]
